We were subtitling on the 26th International Trade Fair of Student firms.
What am I interested in?
- I want to watch the main program with subtitles in 43 European languages (section 1)
- I’m participant of 90 second in a lift (section 2)
Section 1
- When? March 17 – March 19 2021
- Where? online
- I want subtitles!
- available in 40 more languages here:
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Supported languages:
Albanian (SQ), Arabic (AR), Armenian (HY), Azerbaijani (AZ), Belorussian (BE), Bosnian (BS), Bulgarian (BG), Croatian (HR), Czech (CS), Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), English (EN), Estonian (ES), Finnish (FI), French (FR), Georgian (KA), German (DE), Greek (EL), Hebrew (HE), Hungarian (HU), Icelandic (IS), Irish (GA), Italian (IT), Kazakh (KK), Latvian (LV), Lithuanian (LT), Luxembourgish (LB), Macedonian (MK), Maltese (MT), Moldovan (RO), Montenegrin (ME), Norwegian (NO), Polish (PL), Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Serbian (SR), Slovak (SK), Slovene (SL), Spanish (ES), Swedish (SV), Turkish (TR), Ukrainian (UK)
Please help us improve our performance by answering a few short questions. Thank you!
Section 2
We are running a small competition alongside of 90 seconds in a lift: the Clearest Voice!
The Clearest Voice is part of our European research project ELITR (www.elitr.eu) and one of its goals is to improve computer’s understanding of human speech. We would like to ask you for help.
The first part will not require anything special from you — you will just carry out your presentation in the 90 seconds in a lift (we strongly recommend to wear a headset with a microphone) and that is were we will record it. After you finish, we will send you the recording and we will ask you to write down precisely what you said (“make a verbatim transcript”). That will used as a reference for what the computer should understand in your speech automatically.
Who will be the winner? The one whom the computer understands the best!
Important info
First part
Have I filled out the consent form?
- No — please do so here:
- English version: https://forms.office.com/r/NBMRFLa9mn
- Czech version: https://forms.office.com/r/GFMHeUe6Te
Why is it so importnant?
So you know, that we are not a bunch of muppets and that we take care of our participants!
- The recordings will be pseudonymized — don’t worry, your names won’t appear anywhere.
- The data will be released for research purposes (again, your names cut out).
- Knowing your native language will help us understand why the computer makes certain mistakes.
- Yes — thank you!
Second part
As mentioned above, we need you to transcribe your speech (so we have something to compare the automatic transcription to). Depending on how fast you type, we estimate that it should take you cca 10 minutes to do so.
- Guidlines: https://tinyurl.com/4rckn8r3
- Example: https://tinyurl.com/ce8x7xk8
- Your folders: https://tinyurl.com/d6w7kujc
Third part
The winner is the company: Bat-Bed
2nd place: Kol-Action
3rd place: CATering
4th place: CK-ELIO
5th place: Cukrový svět
Thank you all for attending our mini competition and helping us with our research!